Adult Swimming Lessons


Monday, Wednesday or Saturday


40 Minutes


 £8 per session*

Learning to swim has no age limits.

It is a simple way to keep fit, de-stress, relax and socialise with friends and family.

What is Adult swimming classes?

Research suggests that 1 in 5 adults cannot swim, whether from fear triggered by something that may have happened in childhood or simply a lack of confidence in and around the water.
We at Southern Cygnet Swim School work with you to overcome this fear and lack of confidence leading to a discovery that swimming is an enjoyable pastime and has many benefits.
It is a great way to keep in shape and potentially lose weight, a fun way to enjoy family time, can help save lives and it’s really great for everyone.
Believe it or not you only weigh 30% of your body weight when exercising/swimming in water!
Our classes are split into ability levels starting with the basics and continuing on advanced technique if one of your goals is to take part in something like a triathlon or learn something specific like front crawl breathing.
Classes are small with a maximum of 4 ensuring you have the teacher’s full attention or you can have a one to one swimming lesson with just you and the teacher – it’s your choice.
Our team is well trained to support you in or out of the water and you can relax in our pool knowing you can always put your feet down if you feel “out of your depth”.
It’s time to rediscover swimming. You are not the only adult without confidence and ability in the water, why not let us help you start or continue your aquatic journey.

Get in touch 07951 214 296

Contact us for availability, details, or book a FREE taster session.

*payable upfront for the term (in 1 or 2 installments)

Adult swimming lessons offered

High quality teaching from fully qualified DBS-checked staff. FREE taster session, join any time (subject to availability). Following enrolment continuous assessment and movement to the next stage.

Term Dates

Our swim school follows the school term dates of St. Michael’s Middle School.

Why do Adult swimming lessons?

It’s a well-known fact that swimming is a wonderful way of taking exercise. This is true for all ages and often help you become more alert, develop better eating and sleeping patterns and your general health may be improved.

The activities and games we play in the classes facilitate early coordination and balanced muscle development.


Our swimming school has met the stringent requirements set by the following.

dbs checked
royal life saving society
Swimming teachers assocociation
swim england swim school member

Learn to Swim Pathway

  • Giving children confidence from the word go
  • Teaching the core skills need to learn the four strokes through fun and games.

The Swim England Learn to Swim Pathway is the national syllabus used to help teachers deliver swimming lessons. It ensures swimming lessons for all ages are delivered to a high and consistent standard. The all-inclusive programme takes non-swimmers on a journey through four specialised Frameworks. These start with the basics of learning to swim and end with advanced skills for sports such as water polo or diving.

All the Swim England Learn to Swim Pathway Frameworks are linked with their awards and badges scheme. These are used to reward children and adults when they are learning to swim. Each Framework has stages and each stage successfully completed in a Framework comes with a certificate and/or badge as a reward.

Related lessons

One to One Swimming Lessons >

Helping children to learn with confidence, we adapt the structure of the lessons to suit your individual needs.

Class reviews – coming soon

Feedback we receive from our swimmers is very important to us so we are working behind the scenes to bring you genuine customer feedback from existing swimming school members. Please check back here soon.